Picture packets will be coming home with students this week! Picture day is February 11th. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
Fifth graders have been busy the past few days designing and constructing there very own cities and then calculating the volume of each building! We may have some future engineers on our hands 🚧🏗📏#thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Homecoming T-shirt orders are due this Friday, January 31st!! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
The library becomes a busy place each day when the students come in for Makerspace. The children love it! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Preschool students are leaning about safety while working on their reading lesson. They know not to distract the driver and to always wear a seat belt. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Today the students at CTP are enjoying a yummy breakfast of mini blueberry pancakes, pineapple tidbits, milk and juice! Thank you to our wonderful cooks!
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
We survived our first ever earthquake drill today. The children were really excited! I found out the spaces in the office aren't the most comfortable! Mrs. Brooke fit in the space much better! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
The students have been discussing in their classrooms and practicing for an upcoming earthquake drill. Hopefully you've heard about it already. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
What do cheese slices, french fries and tater tots have to do with math? Actually, they are very helpful visuals when adding and subtracting with regrouping! 2nd grade made a difficult math problem look really easy by using these visual models. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20, 2020 ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
2nd graders (and a couple 1st graders) enjoyed think, pair, share this morning during MTSS. They were practicing their nouns and verbs with the "who and do" activity. Students each had a word and had to share a complete sentence with their partners.
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
We have a winner and a runner up! Owen Richards won the spelling bee and will represent our school on February 7th at the Butler County Spelling Bee competition. If, for any reason, he cannot attend, our runner up, Jobe Cole, will take his place. Great job boys and to the other 10 who competed! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
The Spelling Bee has begun at CTI. Twelve students will be a part of this event today. Good luck spellers! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Preschool loves the Letter People!! They are working on beginning reading skills. The books have rebus pictures to help them identify different words. How exciting to be in preschool! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
CTE Spangles Night Out Thursday, January 16, 2020 5-8pm
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
CTE Spangles Night Out #thrivein375
Sometimes you just need to move! First graders are taking a quick brain break as they move along with Slim Goodbody. Exercise does a body and brain good! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Our preschoolers have begun working in centers! They are working really well with the new schedule. It's easy to see that they are getting prepared for kindergarten! How exciting! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Terri Turner
Yearbook order forms will be sent home with students today! The deadline to get your order in by is March 3, 2020. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
Welcome back!!! We are ready to go! The children at CTP were full of smiles and an eagerness to see their friends. We hope that you all had an amazing break. Here we have students doing the Pledge of Allegiance at CTP. #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Brooke Cain
Top Readers! We had our AR awards at the Intermediate this morning, and this group of students are our top readers for the 2nd 9 weeks! #thrivein375
over 4 years ago, Towanda Elementary
Top Readers