Circle High School has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely.
To order transcripts:
Click the button below to navigate to Parchment.
Click "Create Account".
Choose "Learners or Parents".
Follow on-screen prompts to continue setting up your account.
Use your personal email, not a usd375.org account.
You will sign up with no code.
Transcripts are free for current Juniors & Seniors.
Seniors have until August 1st to request transcripts after graduation.
If you are not a current Junior or Senior transcripts are $4 per request.
Review Parchment Guide to Ordering Official TranscriptsAlumni, contact Bonnie Coulter at 316.541.2577 or bcoulter@usd375.org.
Current students, contact Breahna Crawford at 316.541.2277 or bcrawford@usd375.org.