CMS Weekly update December 2nd - 7th, 2020

Weekly update for December 2nd - 7th, 2020

Wanted to take a moment to sincerely THANK our community that has supported CMS as we went remote for the time being. We do not take the decision to go remote lightly. Teachers have been reporting to the building, conducting their classes and attendance from the students has been fantastic. Time on Wednesday's has allowed individual instruction time, work catch up and tutoring sessions as students needed help. Thank you again for working with us during this time.

We have a SPELLING BEE coming up! December 9th. Mrs. Angie May is working out the details and will be in touch with the students that qualified to participate. It may look different, but it's still going to be competitive. Talk about dramatic hang time!!! Watch for more information to be shared.

Scholars Bowl will begin on December 9th. Students will receive a sign up form through email.

Mr. Sherwood posted information regarding athletics over the next few days. Please reference that post for practice information and returning to play if a student was positive for covid, or was excluded as a close contact.

Please encourage your student to complete the Zones of Regulation each morning while remote learning is taking place. Our Counselor Mrs. Cross checks this daily and will communicate with students that need to talk. if you see your student withdrawing during remote learning, please email We have resources to help.

CMS December to Remember- We are going to have some fun starting December 7th. The whole school is encouraged to join in and make each other smile. Remote Learning students are also encouraged to participate- pictures can be sent to  Each student received an email with the fun details.  

Here are the activities starting on December 7th:
**Monday, Dec 7th- Girls Basketball away- Ark City. 7A/8B 5:00, 7B/8A 6:15 (approximate time)
LINKS FOR LIVE STREAMING: For 7th Grade games:
For 8th Grade games:
Wrestling practice as scheduled.

We will see our students soon, until then- Thank you!!