Returning to School information

Dear CMS Thunderbird Parents and Students,

As I am typing this information for you to read I want each of you to know that every decision and every discussion held in terms of school is taken very seriously with everyone in mind.  In 30 years of being in education, what we are heading into is the MOST IMPORTANT issue I have ever faced as an educator.  So here is what I can share with you at this time.    

  1.  I know you are asking us and others what school will look like.  The simple answer is we do not know the answer yet.  Here is what I do know: we work, live and attend school in a district that is working diligently to answer this question.  A task force has been assembled comprising teachers, parents, community partners, and health professionals.  This task force is digging into the many facets of education to ensure students and staff will be able to return to school safely.  

  1. Kansas State Department of Education has released a guiding document which the Circle task force is utilizing in determining which resources and which plan(s) are the best fit.  We are looking at four modes of instruction- Face to face, Virtual, Hybrid and Remote. Within the discussions of the task force there is time and  place for these types of models.  We want to make it very clear that remote instruction and the remote section of a Hybrid instruction model will NOT look like it did in the spring when we were CRISIS teaching.  

Our intent during our planning is to build on our tradition of excellence and the theme of THRIVEin375.  These alone guide our thoughts with moving forward.  Whatever decisions are made I want to assure you that we (the task force, teachers, administration) are committed to providing a safe and quality education to your students, OUR KIDS!!! Please continue to check our media outlets for more updates in the coming days and weeks.  A  timeline of the task force work has been shared today as well. 

Media sources:

Circle School District Facebook 


Circle USD375 Website

Circle Middle School Website

CMS Facebook


As always, please feel free to send me an email with questions or concerns.  

Brenda Young 

Principal Circle Middle School