Special thank you to CHS students for helping teach our kids at CGE about starting healthy tech habits and balancing technology in daily life. Some topics they covered:

  • Screen time helps performance in school.  How to check for screen time and monitor notifications and distractions
  • Putting phone upstairs to charge, or give to parents before bed
  • Getting homework done first and putting phone up at dinner time-- try reading or playing outside, a game or extra curricular sports
  • It is the kids responsibility, not just the parent- be responsible and proactive
  • Designate phone free days, or nights when the whole family puts them away from this time to this time
  • Homework before video games- and t
  • Dangers of phone use:  texting leads to no spelling, it can be addicting and leads to unrealistic expectations for themselves and others, too much social media

High School kids involved: 
4th grade:  James-Cash Erikson, Noel Hawkins, & Solomon Bowen
5th grade:  Delaney Parr, Devin Ingrim, and Boston Craig
6th grade:  Katie Webb, and possibly Emma Willour